Welcome Roel, our new nFuse intern

Mar 10, 2023 | blog

March ’23 starts with a bang. We want to welcome Roel to our nFuse squad as our newest intern. Roel studies at the PXL in ‘Netwerken & Systeembeheer’. He has chosen quite the challenge with this internship!

Traefik vs Caddy

The student has a role as “Infrastructure Architect” and has to work out (and implement) a plan for setting up a reverse proxy with SSL offloading using Traefik & Caddy and make the comparison. Furthermore, the necessary routing must also be provided within EKS.

The setup should be done using IAC. Furthermore, argoCD should also be used to monitor the application.

A short intro from Roel himself:

Hi, my name is Roel, and I am a bachelor’s student in applied information technology, specialising in system- and network management at PXL. During my internship, I will take on the infrastructure architect role and compare Traefik vs Caddy. The first week of my internship has flown by, and I am sure I will learn a lot in my next few weeks here at nFuse!